It was actually a family experience. This was felt and seen in and by many signs: from the joyful welcome, to the Celebration of the Eucharist with the two Councils united, at the time of the dinner together, to the various greetings and gifts exchanged.
The Eucharist was presided by the Rector Major Fr Ángel Fernández Artime, concelebrated by all the confreres and animated by the Councilors, and offered for the GC XXIV of the FMA; it made it possible to reciprocally express thanks for the gift of communion and fraternity, characteristics of Salesian spirituality.
In his homily, the Rector Major invited us to reflect on the fact that the whole history of salvation is played on faith: "Every day we see the fruits of life of our realities, a sign that God works miracles of salvation, transformation and conversion. The true renewal of the Institute and of the Congregation depends on faith and our conversion in faith. It is authentic faith that regenerates our mission with young people. 'Lord, increase our faith'! The celebration of the Chapter will be an experience of the Holy Spirit, and it will be our faith that will make us repeat: 'Lord, may everything you want be fulfilled in me.' When we leave it to God to be God then we live in faith, joy and hope.”
Other beautiful moments of the evening were the dinner together, the mutual presentations, the song to Mother Mazzarello, composed and performed by Fr Gildasio Dos Santos Mendes, Councilor for Social Communication, the "good night" of the Rector Major and his expressions of fraternity towards the Mother and the FMA Institute which is preparing for the General Chapter. He also gave updates on the preparation of the "Don Bosco House Museum" in Turin, which will be enriched by significant documentation on all the groups of the Salesian Family and on each of the Saints and Blesseds who are the most beautiful face of the great Salesian Family. The evening ended with the exchange of gifts and the words of the Mother who thanked for the journey lived together in synodality, hoping that it will continue as a sign of communion of the Congregation of the Salesians of Don Bosco and of the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, united by the same charism, a gift for young people from all over the world.