The initiative has been a success. Hundreds of people have opted for solidarity, from within the group or as supporters. The campaign "With them we are more" was launched at the educational centre in Las Naves and this led to a campaign called "Positive Africa". The project was also presented to other groups, such as "Group without Borders" and ADMA, to try to raise awareness about situations of injustice and poverty in Africa.
They held a festival of African cinema, with the screening of "Difret - The courage to change", which helped people to learn about African culture. There was also the exhibition "Ebola, after Ebola" which exposed the effects of this disease in Sierra Leone.
There was also a meeting of the Salesian missionary volunteers from the NGO Jóvenes y Desarrollo which is promoting the Sister Africa initiative. This is an event which lets people know the experience of other Salesian groups and of volunteers who were on a mission.
For the twinning with Sierra Leone, contact was made with Fr Ubaldini Andrade, head of Don Bosco Fambul, the Salesian centre for street children and others at risk."
“Sister Africa" is not just a group that carries out projects or gives grants for research, but is first and foremost a movement to make people aware of the situation in Sierra Leone. It also involves the people of Africa through the twinning programme.