For many of them, this was an obligatory choice, the fruit of a difficult past, made of war, destruction and, above all, poverty.
The Salesians commenced their work in Muhazi starting from the foundations, from teaching to read and write. Then they opened courses of technical formation for the young, and so they started to build a vocational school. A school that now offers three different courses of study, that are short-term and focused on the development of skills that can rapidly be used in the labour market: dressmaking, construction, catering (where, besides cooking, students also learn to take care of the house and organize events).
Now the Salesian Missionary Procure of Warsaw, in Poland, is collecting funds to build sanitary services and showers for the school; this is the second phase of the works that, due to economic reasons, proceed very slowly, so that the students are now obliged to use provisional services.
The Salesians are well aware of the difficult and problematic economic situation of the students, and because of this the monthly school fee is not compulsory, and in many cases it is not paid at all.
Undoubtedly, this type of missions cannot be sustained without the support of benefactors and the help of Divine Providence.