by Renato Cursi
Starting from September 2015 to February 2016, the family has first been examined in a sociological and educative key in the encounters with the Delegates of Youth Ministry of the eight Salesian Regions in the world.
In a second phase, on March 19th-20th 2016, the Dicastery summoned at the General House a study group, comprised of experts coming from different countries. This international group outlined the big questions the family faces today, starting from the study of the reality emerged in the first phase from listening to the various regional contexts.
In a third phase, in June 2016, the Rector Major sent to all Provincial realities a Questionnaire, i.e. an instrument of research which the 86 Salesian Provincial Councils will have to fill in from the observation of their own reality.
Finally, in a fourth phase, the Dicastery for Youth Ministry will promote the International Congress of Youth Ministry and Family, which will be held between November 27th and December 1st, 2017, in Madrid. This Congress has a three-fold aim: deepening the present guidelines of the Church and the Congregation on the family, sharing the challenges and educative-pastoral opportunities of the family and creating experiences for reflection and action within the Educative-Pastoral Communities.
The letter of the Rector Major and the Questionnaire can be found, in six languages on sito