These are the subtitles found in the text, between n ° 152 and n ° 166:
10 Respecting confidentiality and creating trust.
11 Returning to the Preventive System.
12 Learning by experience.
13 Spiritual accompaniment as holistic.
The insistence on trust, which cannot be imposed, but only earned, is the fruit of both the charismatic strength of the Salesian roots - as the letter from Rome of 1884 recalls - and the strong signs, positive and negative, that emerged from the research. Among these, the many difficulties encountered due to insufficient respect for confidentiality. We read at n ° 155 of the text: "As Fr Paolo Albera says, there is such a close correlation between confidentiality and trust that even a slight 'leakage' in the first causes the almost complete and immediate loss of the second."
Equally, the strong reference to the model of the Preventive System is both a return to the Valdocco of the origins, as well as a response to situations that must be purified and corrected. “Becoming aware of the operative model of formation is, therefore, important and urgent. By bringing the operative model to light, we can look at it critically and decide whether it needs to be changed.”
In our opinion, the conformation model of formation is uncomfortably close to the Repressive System, and cannot go along with the Salesian spirit (see Constitutions Chapter 2). We need to look at it honestly, and have the courage to go back to the Preventive System. The recommendation of Don Bosco to the young first Rector of the Congregation, Michael Rua – Studia di farti amare (Strive to make yourself loved) – is inscribed on the cross given to us at our perpetual profession, and cries to be put into practice, with the invaluable comment on it that is the Letter from Rome.
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