The Exhibition of Nativity Scenes in the Basilica of Mary Help of Christians was born from an idea of Fr Mario Morra who, for numerous editions, managed the initiative, then followed in 2016 by Fr Alberto Guglielmi who organized the exhibition according to geographical areas: Asia- Oceania, Africa, America, Europe. Renzo Bailo, in charge of the volunteers of the Basilica of Mary Help of Christians, is carrying on the tradition trying to innovate it by creating collaborations that vary from year to year, under the supervision of Fr Cristian Besso.
On 8 December, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of Mary, Msgr. Cesare Nosiglia, bishop of the diocese of Turin, in addition to blessing the nativity scene in the Basilica, visited the interior of the Exhibition of Nativity Scenes to greet the nativity scene makers of the XXI edition.
The exhibition this year consists of 83 works and presents different thematic paths. Like the one dedicated to wooden nativity scenes, the one dedicated to the “creativity” nativity scenes, the one that refers to the Neapolitan tradition, and the one… “on Don Bosco's way”.
“This year's collection features three installations dedicated to Don Bosco,” explain the curators of the exhibition. “In iconic form, they represent three fundamental aspects of his experience of faith: the special relationship with his mother, Margherita, his poor origins at the Becchi, the devotion to Mary in the name of Help of Christians. Admiring the 'Salesian' crèches we can relive the atmosphere of the young people gathered in Valdocco around Saint Giovanni Bosco in anticipation of Christmas.”
The online visit presents an extensive photographic and descriptive report of each location, so as to allow each visitor to relive the joy of Christmas that each nativity scene transmits, in a mixture of different styles and materials.
To view, please visit: