This certification was granted by the Central American Council for Accreditation of Higher Education (CCA) and by the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA), of Spain, in a virtual ceremony.
The SIAC-UDB is articulated with the Institutional Model of Quality Management and takes as a reference nine dimensions that constitute a formation guarantee system, ensuring that the paths offered by the university develop according to accepted standards of academic performance and that the results are reflected in the profiles of the students.
The dimensions assessed within the SIAC-UDB design certification process were: quality policies and objectives; design of the academic offer; development of teaching and other student-oriented actions; academic and teaching support staff; material resources and services; development of research within the formation process; university structures and surrounding social planning; analysis and use of results; public information and transparency.
As part of its institutional commitment to continuous quality improvement, the UDB has joined, on a voluntary basis, the pilot project AUDIT Central America, promoted by the CCA in alliance with ANECA.
The adequate implementation of SIAC shall lead to an overall improvement of the activities developed by the institution and will provide support to the accreditation processes of the programs and of the institution itself.
With this international certification, UDB students and their parents are assured that the academic formation they receive meets the highest quality standards, which demonstrate that paths are established by real needs and that they provide a relevant response to an environment that requires changes and improvements in the quality of graduates.
During the certification award ceremony, the Rector of the UDB, Bro. Mario Olmos, SDB, thanked the support received from the CCA and ANECA during the evaluation process and added that "receiving this certification is an incentive to continue with the improvement of educational quality, which we have been developing for many years."
“It is an honor for us to receive this distinction,” he said in conclusion.
Source: Boletín Salesiano (CAM)