Italy - Assemblies of ICC, ILE and IME Salesian Provinces

31 August 2020

(ANS - Rome) - In recent days, the Salesians of the Central Italy Circumscription (ICC), the Lombard-Emilian Province (ILE) and the Southern Province (IME) gathered, each in their own offices, to participate in their respective meetings and assemblies. Specifically, the ICC held its provincial assembly, the ILE the Day of the Councils of Educational Pastoral Communities, the EMI its Youth Ministry Conference.


The ICC provincial assembly took place from 27 to 29 August in Rome under the theme: "In the heart of the world. This is your field, this is where you will go to work”, in the presence of Fr Juan Carlos Pérez Godoy, Councilor for the Mediterranean Region. The assembly's central theme was its focus on young people in the current context.

"Pope Francis reminds us to always choose the Valdocco option," Fr Godoy recalled during his speech. "He reminds us that the Oratory was born in response to the needs of young people. A young priest decided not to remain immobile in front of what was happening," he added, referring clearly to Don Bosco. Even today, many follow the example of Don Bosco and for this reason, Fr Godoy wanted to underline the important work that, in every part of the world, young people, lay people and women carry out for the Congregation.

On the same days, on 28 August, the Day of the Councils of the Educational Pastoral Communities of the Lombard-Emilian Salesian Province took place at the Don Bosco Social Works in Sesto San Giovanni. The works were opened by the Provincial, Fr Giuliano Giacomazzi, and by Fr Stefano Mascazzini, ILE School Officer. The reflection on the theme of Salesian educational-pastoral accompaniment was held by Fr Miguel Ángel Garcìa Morcuende, General Councilor for Youth Ministry, who presided over the Holy Mass. In the afternoon, the participants were able to listen to the interesting report by Professor Fr Giovanni Fasoli (Psychologist and IUSVE Teacher) and carry out group work on the resumption of the school year.

Finally, in Naples, the Youth Ministry Congress was held; various key words and themes were highlighted, such as: world, citizenship, empathy, hope. Words that are associated with the pastoral goal set for this year by the Salesians of Southern Italy. During the Congress, of particular interest were the interventions of Fr Daniele Merlini, who studied the Letter to Diogneto, and Mons. Luigi Renna, who oversaw the biblical-theological introduction to the year's pastoral theme.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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