Fr Roger lives in Palabek in northern Uganda and shares daily challenges with over 54,000 refugees from South Sudan. With minimal facilities for education, medical care and basic safety, the situation is truly difficult.
Also, at least 25,000 children under the age of 13 are hosted in the Palabek camp. Due to the pandemic, these children have seen their schools closed and, since they can no longer even meet friends due to the lockdown, they no longer have any fun or recreation. This is why they are pushed to a stress level they cannot manage.
Knowing their situation, the Salesians began to reach them through educational and youth activities, while always following the guidelines to protect their health. The Salesians addressed more than 400 children and young people every day. Some of the activities have also been oriented towards generating income and building structures for the future. Young people sowed grass on playgrounds, planted hundreds of trees, prepared vegetable gardens, recorded songs and videos for coronavirus awareness; they participated in indoor games, drew and painted, exchanged books and visited some friends who were sick.
All of these activities were coordinated by Fr Roger, who was already seen as a hero among young people and who is now called "Covid Hero." During these days of isolation, he was always surrounded by young people.
Fr Roger is originally from the Democratic Republic of Congo. He was ordained a priest in 2018 and being a youth worker in Palabek is his first assignment. Day after day, he is happy to see young people happy and capable of "rebuilding life", which is a motto of the Salesian Services for the Refugees of Palabek.