"In this moment of great trial, of great pain," begins the Successor of Don Bosco, "I really want to invite all to their sense of great responsibility as honest citizens, truly to be the first, in our presence, to respect and accept what the authorities tell us."
But this does not mean to remain passive and waiting idly by; on the contrary, in the Salesian world many initiatives have been launched in many parts of the world: distribution of food and basic necessities, hygienic-sanitary support, water supply, remote pastoral accompaniment, concession of works for national needs ...
Thinking also about what will follow this phase, the Rector Major relaunches the invitation to benefactors and supporters to help the Salesians to help those who need it most.
Finally, in the run-up to Easter, Fr Á.F. Artime also renews the invitation to pray: "even in these moments we must turn to God, to the Lord Jesus, and ask for the strength of the Holy Spirit" by resorting to the intercession "of our beloved Father Don Bosco and our Mother Help of Christians."
The complete video is available, in Italian, English and Spanish, on the ANSChannel language channels.
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