"We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop." This phrase, attributed to Mother Teresa of Calcutta, can summarize the sense of solidarity sown by the Salesian presence in the face of Covid-19.
In times of crisis, human solidarity shows its best side: in this case, by highlighting the disinterested resources that begin to flow from the Salesian presence to reach the Spanish health system.
The Salesians of Palma del Río (Córdoba) have joined the coordinated project throughout Spain to produce elements for the individual protection of health workers with 3D printers. The Salesians are contributing to the creation of a thousand protective visors, the first of which will be delivered to the "Reina Sofía" hospital.
The same devices are also being produced by the Martí Codolar Social Education Platform (Barcelona).
At the same time, a teacher from the “Mary Help of Christians” educational center in Salamanca participates in a group of 154 people who are making new anti-spray visors. The material was presented to the healthcare offices of Castile and León together with the design of a device for ventilation. "If they accept it, many can be produced in a short time," says the teacher.
The Salesian centers in Santander, Madrid-Atocha or Puertollano see professors and students busy making masks with the materials readily available in their respective homes.
With the contribution of teachers, students and past pupils of the local Salesian institute, a company from Elche is designing a basic ventilator to supply the health centers.
The teachers of Engineering of the Salesians of Pamplona, in collaboration with the past pupil Pablo Goñi of Noxon Technology, collaborate with the Navarre hospital complex in the realization of elements necessary for respirators.
Finally, news came from Cadiz that Juan Camacho, professor of Electronics at the local Salesian Vocational Training School, co-designed a new system to complete the patient ventilation system and expand the lung, bringing oxygen to the poorly ventilated areas.
"This virus represents an unprecedented threat, but also an unprecedented opportunity to unite us as everyone against an enemy of humanity," said Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director General of the World Health Organization.
The Salesians are working in this new scenario in the awareness that every little drop made will add to the ocean of solidarity initiatives against Covid-19.