Porto Alegre, Brazil - March 2016 - The first annual meeting of the Salesian Communication Network was held from 15 to 17 March to carry out a review of the activities of 2015 and to review the plan for 2015-2017. The meeting was chaired jointly by Fr Gildasio Mendes dos Santos, Provincial of Campo Grande and Sister Ana Teresa Pinto, with the participation of the executive directors, coordinators and delegates from the provincial Social Communications teams.
Perez Zeledon, Costa Rica - March 2016 - On 5 and 6 March, 50 young people gathered at the Salesian House of San Isidro El General for a religious exercise to celebrate the start of the ESCOGE Programme. This programme is inserted in the Salesian Youth Movement to help young people in their vocational discernment.
Lima, Peru – 12 March 2016 - More than 750 thousand people took part in the march for life held in Lima. Its aim was to inform and educate the population about the value of human life from conception to natural death. The event was attended by the Salesians of Peru and by Cardinal Juan Luis Cipriani, Archbishop of Lima. He concluded the march with a speech in which he emphasized that today's youth are the ones who can really make a change.
Tainan, Taiwan - 5 March 2016 – Eleven new members of the Salesian Cooperators made their promise during the Eucharist presided over by Cardinal Joseph Zen, SDB, in the parish of Mary Help of Christians in Tainan.