Catania, Italy - June 2016 - On 12 June, the Sicilian Regional Consulatative Body of the Salesian Family, with representatives of 12 groups in the region, met at the "Casa Tabor" Spirituality Centre in Catania, for their third meeting of the pastoral year. It was open also to the coordinators of the Territorial Consulatative Bodies. The objective of the meeting was to evaluate what has been done and begin planning for 2016-2017. After the opening words of Fr Pippo Ruta, Provincial of Sicily, there was an address from Fr Eusebio Muñoz, Delegate of the Rector Major for the Salesian Family.
Hong Kong – 25 June 2016 - More than 150 students of the 6 Salesian primary schools in Hong Kong participated in the end-of-the-year party organized by the Office of Youth Ministry. The Provincial, Fr Lanfranco Fedrigotti, presided at the Eucharistic adoration.
Bangalore, India - June 2016 - The Association of Salesian Historians (ACSSA) in South Asia held a seminar entitled "Transmitting our memory. Glimpses of Indian Salesian history." The seminar had 19 participants and took place from 24-26 June at the Provincial House in Bangalore (INK). It was coordinated by Fr. Mathew Kapplikunnel, in the presence of Fr Thomas Anchukandam, director of the Salesian Historical Institute in Rome, and Fr Mathew Thonikuzhiyil, INK Provincial.
Bogotá, Colombia - June 2016 - The Salesian Parish Church of Niño Jesús was the setting for the Concert for Peace held on 11 June which brought together more than 300 artists. Participants included the National Symphony Orchestra of Colombia, the Bogota Philharmonic Orchestra, the Choir of the Opera of Colombia, the Choral Society of St Cecilia, the Philharmonic Youth Choir, the Philharmonic Children’s choir, the children’s Choir of Batuta San Rafael and the Schola Cantorum of the Cathedral. One of the most acclaimed artists was the Colombian soprano Betty Garcés.