Recife, Brazil - March 2016 - On 30 March Fr Nivaldo Pessinatti, Provincial of Recife (BRE), presided at the Eucharist for the missionary send-off of the young Salesian practical trainee José Wilker France da Silva.
Lima, Peru – 2 April 2016 - Fr Vicente Santilli and Fr Alessandro Aranjo, from Editorial Salesiana of Peru, presented Bishop Enrico dal Covolo, Rector Magnificus of the Lateran University, with the recent volume of the memoirs of the Salesian missionary Fr Luis Bolla (1932-2012). The book is entitled "Mi nombre es Yankuam. El Encuentro con los Achuar del Evangelio". .Bishop Dal Covolo is holding a series of conferences and academic meetings, aimed mainly at the Sedes Sapientiae Catholic University in the Diocese of Carabayllo (Lima).
Madrid, Spain - March 2016 - From 18 to 22 March the second session of the first chapter of the Province of St James the Greater (SSM) took place. It was attended by 152 chapter members.
Legnano, Italy - April 2016 – On Saturday 2 April in the church of St Rita in Legnano (Milan), the inauguration took place of a permanent exhibition dedicated to the Servant of God Father Carlo Crespi. Fr Crespi was a Salesian missionary in Ecuador, a scientist and musician, and a native of Legnano. The initiative, promoted by the "Fr Carlo Crespi Association, included a moment of prayer inspired by the encyclical Laudato Sii of Pope Francis. It was attended by Msgr. Gian Paolo Citterio, Episcopal Vicar, Mayor Alberto Centinaio and other religious and civil authorities. Fr Pierluigi Cameroni SDB, Postulator General, said that Fr Crespi lived an intense spiritual life, practicing the works of mercy, especially with love for the young and the poor, and the exercise of the ministry of reconciliation, and witnessed a great love for nature, the work of God.