Colombia - III SYM National Meeting
Nemocón, Colombia - September 2019 - About 500 young people from the Salesian Don Bosco Provinces and the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians from Colombia met at the Bosconia Educational Technical Institution in Nemocón – Cundimarca for the III National Meeting of the Salesian Youth Movement (SYM) from 12 to 15 September. During this experience, the young people reflected on the problems, challenges and commitments to which they are called as leaders and youth leaders in the light of the Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation "Christus Vivit". The participants lived moments of prayer, integration, sports, an oratorian evening, the SYM Fest and the missionary sending Eucharist presided by Fr John Jairo Gómez Rúa, Superior of the Salesian Province of Bogotá, accompanied by a large group of SDB and FMA.
- Colombia - Medellín Province Christmas Mission
- Colombia - An outgoing faculty: Canonical Formation of SDB and FMA Novices
- United States - Students of Salesian college of Dosquebradas at NASA
- Colombia – "Provincial Bosco Skills"
- Colombia – Talent Festival of "Ciudad Don Bosco"
- Colombia - 250 children and young people at 2019 "Interoratorios" event
- Colombia – Review and planning meeting of Salesian Province of Bogotá
- Colombia - VI Festival of Salesian Symphonic Bands
- Colombia - XXXV Salesian Art Festival
- Colombia - Provincial Festival of Bogotá Salesians
- Colombia - Patronal Feast of the "Divine Child Jesus"
- Colombia - First Congress of Salesian Spirituality of the Salesian Family
- Colombia – Curatorium of Copacabana Postnovitiate
- Colombia – National Meeting of Artistic Officers of Salesian Centers
- Colombia - New Superior of Bogotá Province takes office