Peru - Campo Bosco 2019 "Christ lives and wants you alive!"
Pucallpa, Peru - August 2019 - A great day of Salesianity and brotherhood: what the young people of the Salesian Youth Movement (SYM) of Pucallpa lived on August 24, thanks to Campo Bosco version 0.2, on the theme "Christ lives and wants you alive!" Through various dynamics, and with the presence of Msgr. Gaetano Galbusera, SDB, bishop emeritus of the apostolic vicariate of Pucallpa, the young people demonstrated their commitment, dedication, enthusiasm and joy. During the day they experienced a moment of personal reflection, explored and learned about their emotional world with the goal of reaching Jesus through the Eucharist. At another time, they addressed the issue of the importance of the Amazon and its culture and reflected on the importance of their own roots.
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