Slovakia - First professions
Poprad, Slovakia - August 2019 – As per tradition in Poprad-Veľká, Slovakia, on the day of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, two new Salesians of Don Bosco from the Province of Slovakia (SLK) made their first profession. Fr Tadeusz Rozmus, Councilor for Central and Northern Europe, presided over the celebration in the presence of various Salesians from the SLK Province and the Province of the Czech Republic, including Provincial Fr Petr Vaculík (CEP), relatives and young people of the local Salesian center.
- Slovakia - A "Lenten curtain" to stay close despite the coronavirus
- Slovakia - SDB and FMA joint formation on the digital world
- Slovakia - Week of "School of Theology" for young people
- Slovakia - A commemorative plaque for Fr Boleslaw Rozmus, SDB
- Slovakia - Provincial Chapter
- Slovakia – Lenten Curtain in the church of St. John Bosco
- RMG - 8 January 2019: 50th anniversary of martyrdom of Blessed Fr Titus Zeman, SDB
- Slovakia - Meeting of Salesian prenovitiate Directors of Central and Northern Europe