Poland – National Meeting of Social Communications Delegates
Czerwińsk nad Wisłą, Poland – August 2019 – From 5 to 7 August 2019 in Czerwińsk nad Wisłą, Province of Poland-Warsaw (PLE), there was a meeting of Social Communications Delegates of the four Polish Provinces, under the guidance of the General Councillor for Social Communication, Fr Filiberto González. The purpose of the meeting was to evaluate and strengthen the collaboration in communication in Salesian Poland.
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- Hong Kong – EAO Formation and Social Communication Delegates come together
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- Poland - Salesian Missionary Center in Warsaw receives 1st Prize at "KSF Niepokalana 2019" Film Festival
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- Poland - Volunteer Meeting in Warsaw
- Poland - Formation course on Perpetual Profession
- Poland - 28th Salesian Pilgrimage of Evangelization
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- Italy - "Necessary to change paradigm; search other platforms, languages". International Meeting of Salesian Bulletin
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- Italy – International Meeting of Salesian Bulletin: Day 1
- RMG – Fr Filiberto González: "We're talking about millions of printed magazines ... over 3 million per year"
- Poland - Fr Andrzej Gołębiowski new director of TP3 Catholic programs