Bolivia - 200 youths complete 1st level School for Salesian Animators
Cochabamba, Bolivia - July 2019 - About 200 young people from the Salesian Family participated in the first cycle of the School for Salesian Animators, held at the "Don Bosco Fátima" event center, Cochabamba Department, from 7 to 11 July. The School of Animators has been an active formation process for 22 years, its main objective being to form oratory animators.
- Bolivia – Meeting of catechists of Salesian missionary works
- Bolivia - 1,400 young people at "Campo Bosco" of Cochabamba
- Bolivia - Priestly ordination of Salesian Oswaldo Javier León Herrera
- Bolivia - Spiritual Exercises of Salesian Family
- Bolivia – "You miss the neighborhood": online youth program to convey valid message
- Bolivia – Social networks as protagonists of Salesian Social Communication Days
- Bolivia - "Historical images that speak"
- Bolivia - Feast of Mary Help of Christians