Malta - Don Bosco High School Students of Catania-Cibali on study holiday
Sliema, Malta - July 2019 – The students of the "Don Bosco" Lyceum of Catania-Cibali finished their study holiday in Malta on 6 July. The stay lasted two weeks and alternated school (4 hours of English each morning) with cultural visits and recreation. There was also a celebration at the Salesians in Sliema who welcomed the young students, and a visit to the Prime Minister of the Maltese Republic, the Hon. Muscat, who received the group at the Castiglia building, the seat of the Maltese Government, where they were entertained in a simple fashion. The students were also received by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Hon. Abela. In the picture the group of students accompanied by Fr Giuseppe Costa, Fr Paolo Fichera and Prof Laura Similia. In the second row, Frank Zammit, Malta's ambassador to the Vatican who made the meeting possible.
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