Brazil – Awakening youths to care of "common home" through Preventive System
Recife, Brazil - June 2019 - With the aim of reawakening in the young, through the Preventive System, the care of and for the "common home", the students of the Salesian school "Escola Dom Bosco - Bongi" in Recife, lived the Week of the Environment giving life to different activities. From 3 to 7 June, the young people followed various training sessions and orientation activities on environmental care, with lessons on the mangrove ecosystem and environmental education with methods and practices for sustainability, eco-work and green marketing. Furthermore, the educational team set up recycling laboratories, debates and educational programs. The week ended with a visit to the Recife botanical garden, where each young student produced a sustainable sack and planted a seed, with the opportunity to continue growing the produce at home.
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- Brazil - Provincial Chapter of Salesians in Recife
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