Portugal - Second session of Provincial Chapter
Lisbon, Portugal - April 2019 - The second session of the Provincial Chapter of the Salesian Province of Portugal (POR) took place from 15 to 17 April. Representatives of 10 communities of the POR Province took part in the meeting, which addressed the key orientations of the Provincial Chapter in view of the 28th General Chapter (GC28) of 2020: the priority of the mission with the young, the current profile of the Consecrated Salesian and the shared mission between lay people and consecrated persons.
- Portugal – "Group together to grow together": Formation and Pastoral Planning
- Portugal - Inauguration of "St. John Bosco" chapel in Assumption of Mary parish in Almada
- Portugal - V Scout camp "Dom Bosco"
- Portugal - SYM is living the young Easter
- Portugal - Salesian Youth Ministry organizes retreat for families
- Portugal - 3,000 athletes at Corrida Salesianos 2019