Chile - Celebrations for 132 years of Salesian College of Concepción
Concepción, Chile - March 2019 - The Provincial of the Salesians of Chile, Fr Carlo Lira, visited the Salesian College of Concepción from 6 to 9 March on the occasion of the 132nd anniversary of its foundation. On March 6, Fr Lira gave the traditional "Good morning" to the students, sharing with them experiences and anecdotes related to the arrival of the Salesians in Chile. In the afternoon, in the "San Juan Bosco" square, the 132 years of the Salesian presence in Concepción was celebrated, with a floral offering at the foot of the statue of the Founder of the Salesian Congregation.
- Chile – Industrial School in Copiapó and inauguration of first "Pre-University Don Bosco" in Santiago
- Chile - Bosco Camp for over 100 young people
- Chile - Launch of activities for centenary of Salesian "Monseñor Fagnano" Secondary School
- Chile - Salesian Fr Pedro Elías García receives the cross "Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice"
- Chile - "Technologies with social impact" rewards "Fundación Don Bosco" for project "Road Circuit Register"
- Chile - "TechCamp", technology at your fingertips
- Chile - It's never too late to be a saint
- Chile - Laying of first stone of "Michele Rua" building
- Chile - "Trusting and betting on young people": diploma in Youth Ministry