Brazil - Fr Vitali begins Extraordinary Visitation of Campo Grande Province
Campo Grande, Brazil - February 2019 – On 11 February, the Councilor for the America South Cone Region, Fr Natale Vitali, began, on the Rector Major's behalf, the Extraordinary Visitation of the Salesian Province of Brazil-Campo Grande (BCG). The first stage was the administrative center of the provincial headquarters where, during the "Good Morning" thought, he met all the collaborators, explained to them his role and the reasons for the Extraordinary Visitation. He thanked them for their work, shared a few historical notes of the Salesian Congregation and announced the visit of the Rector Major in 2019. Fr Vitali will visit all the Salesian presences of the BCG Province.
- Brazil - Curatorium of Salesian Novitiate in Curitiba
- Brazil – Rector Major in Campo Grande: "My heart is truly happy to be among you"
- Brazil - ADMA Provincial Assembly
- Brazil - Provincial Chapter of Campo Grande Province
- Brazil - Meeting of parish priests, pastoral coordinators, missionary animation and missionary volunteering
- Brazil - Inter-Provincial meeting of SYM representatives
- Brazil – Fr Vitali visits Don Bosco Catholic University of Campo Grande
- Brazil - Curatorium of post-novitiate of Campo Grande
- Brazil – Meeting of Salesians in formation from Campo Grande and Manaus
- Brazil - VII Salesian Day in Corumbá
- Brazil - Assembly and feast of Campo Grande Province
- Brazil - Pan-Amazonian Salesian Encounter: Don Bosco's own style for new situations of young in Amazon