Uruguay - Missionary Day with youth of San José
San José, Uruguay - December 2018 - Salesian missionaries from the Pio IX College of Villa Colón (Montevideo), belonging to the Uruguay Province (URU), on 17 December gave life to a missionary day in the various areas of the neighborhood parish of the city of San José, also sharing a snack with children and young people.
- Uruguay – Virginia Mallarini: "Wealth is in meeting and commitment"
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- Uruguay - Educational-Pastoral Assembly of Uruguay Province
- Uruguay - "Shared Table" by Fr Martín Ponce De León
- Uruguay - Diaconal ordination of two Salesians
- Uruguay - "How to efficiently connect with new public?" Meeting of Latin American Missionary Offices
- Uruguay - Perpetual Profession of Dominic Tran Duc Thanh
- Uruguay – SYM National Meeting of Adolescents