Malta – Projects Erasmus+ and Mentorpower of National Federation of Past Pupils and Friends of Don Bosco
Malta - November 2018 - The National Federation of Past Pupils and Friends of Don Bosco of Malta held their first international meeting of the "Mentorpower Project" supported by the Erasmus+ program financed by the European Union. This project aims to develop a handbook on how Past Pupils and members of the Salesian Family can offer a service of tutoring and accompaniment to young homeless people or who however lack the support of their family. The project will also formulate a training program with the first group of tutors to be formed in Malta in March 2019. The project's partners come from 5 countries, thanks to the collaboration of Don Bosco's National Past Pupils of Italy, Spain and of Slovakia; the "Osanna Pia Hostel" of Malta and the "Don Bosco Cares" of Ireland. During the meeting the participants shared their experiences and started to explore the structure of the manual and to identify the needs of the volunteers to be formed as tutors.
- Malta – Past Pupils to start Mentoring Programme for homeless young persons
- Spain - Geoparks: natural and cultural heritage unites European students and professors
- Italy - Rector Major recieves Presidency of Italian Federation of Past Pupils of Don Bosco
- Malta – Salesian Family at service of youth today
- Malta – Launch of Bosco Platform and Don Bosco Market by National Federation of Past Pupils and Friends of Don Bosco
- Malta - First Superior of new Vice Province "Mary Help of Christians" takes office
- RMG – Nominated first Superior of new Malta Vice Province: Fr Paul Formosa
- RMG – Established new "Mary Help of Christians" Vice Province of Malta