Slovenia - Meeting of Delegates of Salesian Youth Games
Ljubljana, Slovenia - November 2018 - On 17 November, the traditional meeting of the delegates of the international organization "Polisportive Giovanili Salesiane" (PGS) began. The main purpose of the meeting was to verify steps of preparation and visit the facilities for the XXX edition of the PGS International Games, which will take place next year in Slovenia, under the motto: "United by the Field!" The delegates reviewed the Games held this year in Poland, in Krakow, confirmed the report and prepared a vision for the 2020-22 games. The meeting concluded with Mass in the shrine of Mary Help of Christians in Rakovnik and the feast on the anniversary of the arrival of the first Salesians in Slovenia.
Further information:
- Slovenia – All ready for start of XXX Salesian-International Youth Sports Games
- Slovenia - Lenten retreats for children and young people
- Slovenia - ADMA meeting
- Slovenia - Don Bosco Festival in Ljubljana Rakovnik
- Slovenia - Bringing Christmas greetings to over 300 families
- Slovenia - 20 years of the Salesian Youth Center of Sevnica
- Slovenia - Annual meeting of employees and collaborators of Salesian houses and programs
- Slovenia - Meeting of Salesian Brothers of Slovenia Province
- Slovenia - Meeting of Salesian Directors in Slovenia Province
- Slovenia - Summer Oratory celebrates 30 years