Brazil - Videoconference on the subject of bullying
Salvador, Brazil - October 2018 - On 30 October, the "Dom Bosco" Salesian College in Salvador promoted a videoconference among the students with the writer Benjamin Horta, a specialist in the prevention of bullying and the creator of the project "School without Bullying" and director-founder of "Abrace Programas Preventivos". During the videoconference Horta spoke to students on how to prevent bullying and of the agreement the Salesian schools of Brazil stipulated with "Abrace Programas Preventivos", a company that helps schools and educational institutions in the process of extinguishing bullying and fostering values essential to the comprehensive formation of the individual.
- Brazil - Presentation of "Humanity Project"
- Brazil - 80th anniversary Celebration of Shrine of Our Lady Help of Christians in Salvador
- Brazil - A thousand youths at XXIII Salesian Youth Festival in Recife
- Brazil - March against Child Labor in Pernambuco State
- Brazil - Curatorium of post-novitiate of Lorraine
- Brazil - Seminar on oratories, youth centers and family
- Brazil - ACSSA meeting in Brazil
- Brazil – Cycle of Regional Encounters - Paraíba 2018 for SYM animators