Italy - New cuisine and bar / risto workshops inaugurated in Valdocco

05 November 2018

Turin, Italy - October 2018 – Taking place on October 26th, at the Salesian Vocational Training Center in Valdocco, Turin, was the inauguration of the new cooking and hall / bar workshops, to go alongside the bakery, pastry-making and pizza courses already active since 2013: a three-year qualification course for "Restaurant operator: meal preparation". Antonino Gentile, Communications Head of the CNOS-FAP of the Piedmont region, opened the inaugural event by introducing the participants active in the creation and expansion of this sector. Barbara Azzarà, Delegate Councilor - in the field of Education, Career Guidance and Training, Educational System, School Network and Childhood, Youth Policies, Historical Library - underlined how synergy between institutions is essential for generating virtuous paths aimed at all young people. Also present were Fr Alberto Martelli, Director of the Valdocco community, "San Francesco di Sales"; Marco Gallo, Director of the CFP Valdocco; and Fr Enrico Stasi, Superior of the Salesian District of Piedmont and Valle d'Aosta and President of the Piedmont and National CNOS, who blessed the labs and concluded the inaugural moment with a prayer.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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