- Italy - New cuisine and bar / risto workshops inaugurated in Valdocco
- Italy - Extraordinary Visitation by Fr José Miguel Nuñez to "Edoardo Agnelli" Salesian center
- Italy - Marian Day of ADMA Primary
- Italy - Don Bosco Solidarity - Youth in Agriculture
- Italy - Rector Major and his Vicar, with Provincials, on Salesian Sites
- Italy - 300 youths of SYM at Colle Don Bosco
- Italy - Bishops of Venezuela close to population, to support hope
- Italy - "Don Bosco Story" completed: opus that will continue to live on Valdocco walls
- Italy - The "Don Bosco Story" on the walls of Valdocco
- Italy - Church of San Francesco di Sales
- Italy – Venezuela Re(in)volution: from Bolivarian dream to nightmare of the crisis