Paraguay - First formation workshop for Agents of Youth Ministry
Asunción, Paraguay - September 2018 - About 100 young people took part in the first formation workshop for Youth Ministry Agents, led by Fr. Francisco Miranda, Provincial Delegate for Paraguay Youth Ministry. Also present was Fr Mario Villalba, Provincial of Paraguay, who presided at Mass in the Shrine of Mary Help of Christians.
- Paraguay - Thousands of young on pilgrimage to Caacupé, their motto: "To bear much fruit"
- Paraguay - Meeting of Southern Pastoral Secretariat
- Paraguay - Meeting of Salesian Brothers of America South Cone Region
- Paraguay – Children pray the Rosary for Unity and Peace
- Paraguay - Poverty reduction Project in Caaguazú department
- Paraguay - Preventive System grows in Concepción
- Paraguay - Congress of Salesian Cooperators
- Paraguay - Don Bosco Week
- Paraguay - Meeting of Salesian School in America (ESA)
- Paraguay - Salesian student participates in NASA Space Camp
- Paraguay - New Provincial, Fr Mario Jesús Villalba, takes office