Japan - SYM pilgrimage from Japan to Holy Land
Tokyo, Japan - August 2018 - The pilgrimage to the Holy Land of the Salesian Youth Movement of Japan took place from 9 to 19 August. Among the 22 participants were two Salesian priests, Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, Daughters of Charity, lay people and young people from the SYM who wanted to visit the holy sites.
- Israel - Meeting Jesus in His land through His Word - A formative experience of the SDB in the Holy Land
- Austria - Austrian Salesian Youth Movement: "Ocean of Faith" Meeting
- Italy - Gessica Mazza, SYM secretary of Central Italy: "Salesians, listen to young people with an open heart"
- Brazil - Rector Major animates meeting of young Salesian animators
- Italy - Pope Francis to 70k youngsters at Circus Maximus: "Transform today's dreams into the reality of the future"
- RMG - Young people of SYM will meet with the Pope