Chile - Volunteers at the service of young people
Valparaiso, Chile - August 2018 – Working at the "Raul Correa Villarroel" Center of the Don Bosco Foundation in Valparaiso are four volunteers from all over the world: Bolivia, Mexico and Germany. Volunteering was achieved thanks to the assistance agreement for the development of the international exchange program between the AIESEC Foundation and the Don Bosco Foundation. The agreement contributes to the development of communities and their people, providing opportunities for young people from different nations of the world to train as agents for change.
- Chile – Valparaíso, new Valdocco: 125 years of dreams and challenges
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- Ecuador - Exchanges teaching Math to studying Psychology, thanks to passion for working with youth: the "Chilean"
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- Guatemala - Testimony of two volunteers in Salesian mission of San Benito Petén