Paraguay - Don Bosco Week
Asunción, Paraguay - August 2018 - "Don Bosco Week" takes place at the Salesian parish "San Vicente" in Asunción from 12 to 18 August, on the occasion of the 203rd anniversary of the birth of the Saint of the Youth. Activities include mini-retreats, concerts, games and liturgical celebrations.
- Paraguay - Meeting of Salesian Brothers of America South Cone Region
- Paraguay – Children pray the Rosary for Unity and Peace
- Paraguay - Poverty reduction Project in Caaguazú department
- Paraguay - Preventive System grows in Concepción
- Paraguay - First formation workshop for Agents of Youth Ministry
- Paraguay - Congress of Salesian Cooperators
- Paraguay - Meeting of Salesian School in America (ESA)
- Paraguay - Salesian student participates in NASA Space Camp
- Paraguay - New Provincial, Fr Mario Jesús Villalba, takes office
- Paraguay - Radio "FM Joven" celebrates 25th anniversary
- Paraguay - First priestly ordination celebrated in Paraguayan Chaco
- Paraguay - 250 young people in vocational reflection summer camp