Panama - Day of Prayer for Peace in Nicaragua
Panama City, Panama - August 2018 - Students, staff and teachers of the Don Bosco Technical Institute have animated numerous moments of Eucharistic adoration to ask God for peace in the world, especially for the Nicaraguan brothers subject to persecution. The students prayed for the eternal rest of the young people killed during the clashes and, through sign boards, they sent messages of solidarity and stressed the importance of respect for human rights.
- Panama – SYM Delegation send-off Mass for WYD 2019 in Don Bosco Basilica
- Panama - XIII Provincial Congress of Technical-Professional Training
- Panama - Relic of Blessed Romero arrived in Basilica of Don Bosco
- Guatemala - Awareness day for reception of migrants
- Guatemala - Don Bosco Cup 2018
- Nicaragua – Role-playing simulation of national dialogue
- Nicaragua - Miraculously escapes ambush, Salesian bishop Msgr Juan Abelardo Mata Guevara
- Nicaragua - "Do not leave us die!": the Cry of a Nicaraguan priest
- Honduras - Card. Rodríguez Maradiaga: "They are destroying a brother country, which really does not deserve this injustice"
- Nicaragua - "In the midst of anguish and pain, the Nicaraguan people haven't lost hope"