Great Britain - Course on sacramental dimension of the Salesian priest
Battersea, Great Britain - 30 July 2018 - From July 23 to 25, in Battersea, four Salesian priests ordained in the last five years - Fr Jakub of the Bootle community, Fr Kevin of Cherstey, Fr Arek of Celbridge (Ireland) and Fr Kenneth of Dingli (Malta) - attended a course on the sacramental dimension of the ministry of the Salesian priest, specifically their role in the administration of the sacraments of the Eucharist and of Reconciliation. The course was led by Fr Francis Preston.
- RMG – Letter on the Salesian priest to appear in AGC
- Argentina – Charity and sacrifice are two sides of same coin: giving one's life for love
- Great Britain - 125th anniversary of Battersea Sacred Heart
- Great Britain - Prayer and entertainment at "Make Some Noise 2018"
- Great Britain - Fr Ebrahim and three students from St. John Bosco College, guests of a radio station
- Great Britain - Annual Meeting of Atlantic – German Zone of Central/North Europe Region
- Italy - On Sites of St. Francis of Assisi to progress in belonging to Christ and the Church
- Korea – The Quinquennial meeting of young Salesian
- Colombia - Interprovincial Meeting of priests of the quinquennium