Italy - "Head Held High", the GrEst of Salette on Fr Pino Puglisi

02 August 2018

Catania, Italy - July 2018 - This year in the "San Giovanni Bosco" oratory of Catania's Salette, the summer activities called "GrEst" involved about 200 young people and 60 animators, with various activities including games, Olympic-style competitions, seaside excursions and walks through the city streets. Durirng the year, a group of animators had prepared several theatrical scenes highlighting the life of Fr Pino Puglisi which they enacted during formation afternoons. The priest from Palermo, killed in hatred of the faith in 1993, was the key protagonist of the formation of the Salette young. "We try to educate to faith and to legality," said the coordinator of summer activities. The motto chosen "A testa alta" was printed on the colored sweaters the young wear and reminds them "to act responsibly, without being afraid to tell the truth and without committing actions that they might regret later."


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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