Lithuania - Social Security and Labor Minister visits Vilnius Summer Center
Vilnius, Lithuania - July 2018 - On 12 July, the Minister of Social Security and Labor of the Republic of Lithuania, Linas Kukuraitis, took part in an official visit to the summer center of the "St John Bosco" Salesian parish in Vilnius. Before the 280 people present, the Minister expressed his congratulations for the well-organized oratory, which has welcomed children to its summer center for the past 16 years. He also spoke of the great appreciation for the work done by the Salesians, in collaboration with over 25 volunteer animators. The Salesian Summer Center is practically the only one of its kind in Lithuania. The Minister also congratulated the center because this year the Vilnius Salesians participate in a national project financed by the Ministry for the development and fostering of the family: the collaboration between parish and public institutions becomes visible and advantageous for the final recipients, ie the families.
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