Brazil – SYM Inter-provincial Meeting
Jaboatão, Brazil - March 2018 - On 3-4 March, the meeting of the Interprovincial Council of the Salesian Youth Movement (SYM) took place. The meeting brought together young animators of the Provinces of Recife (BRE) and of San Paolo (BSP), animators who lived a formative moment related to the "Campaign of Fraternities 2018". Together with SYM coordinators and counselors, they discussed the path undertaken by SYM in each province, defining their priorities for 2018 and strengthening the proposals for joint action between the SDB and FMA provinces.
- Brazil - 75 years of Salesian presence in Jaboatão do Guararapes
- Brazil – Cycle of Regional Encounters - Paraíba 2018 for SYM animators
- Brazil – Preparatory Perpetual Professions Course
- Brazil - Diaconal Ordination of 12 Salesians
- Brazil - National Meeting of Salesian Coadjutors
- Brazil - "We already miss the Rector Major!"
- Brazil – Rector Major immersed in the Spiritual Heritage of Fr Cicero
- Brazil -V March against Child Labor