Italy - High-level round table on "Laudato si"
Arcinazzo Romano, Italy - September 2017 - Promoted by Nicola Barone, engineer and Telecom Italia national director, and prof Fr Francesco Motto, a well-known Salesian historian, the Salesian house of Arcinazzo Romano hosted a two-day study on the Pope Francis's encyclical "Laudato sì" on 22 and 23 September. The central and current theme of the encyclical, "Integral, human and theological ecology", presented by prof Fr Paolo Carlotti, Professor of Moral Theology of the Pontifical University of Rome, led to a discussion of broad social, theological and moral issues: the "common home" of peoples; another way of life; education; civil and political friendship; the common, universal, inclusive and inter-generational good. Also discussed: the issues of hope and solidarity, of Christian love and brotherhood, of sharing pain, as well as joys, all issues which still constitute the magisterial moral lessons of Don Bosco.
- Italy - Regional Meeting of Salesian Family Delegates
- Italy - CIVAM Meeting
- Italy - Formation of Salesian Coadjutors Meeting
- Italy - Cardinal Rodríguez Maradiaga explains "Laudato Si'"
- Italy - First Mass of Fr Aldo Angelucci
- Italy - Annual meeting of National Teams of Social Work and Service Center of Spain, Italy and Portugal
- Italy - International Seminar on Salesian Personal Accompaniment
- Italy - "Il Faro" day center opens in Ancona
- Italy - 15 Salesian novices make first religious profession