India - Review Charism through the Salesian Youth Movement
Mumbai, India - July 2017 - From July 26 to 28, 46 delegates of the Youth Ministry and young animators from Mumbai and Panjim-Konkan gathered for a workshop on "Salesian Identity: Retracing Charism through the Salesian Youth Movement." The program was led by Fr Glenford Lowe and Don Bosco Youth Services (DBYS) from Matunga.
- India – Over 100 young Catholics at "Symbios Nashik 2018" meeting
- India – Grand celebrations for Rector Major in Guwahati and Mumbai
- India - 800 scouts and guides at "Gromo 2017" Meeting
- India - Exhibition of products made by shantytown women
- India - Technology applied to rural agriculture
- India - 350 women march for their rights
- India - 25th Anniversary of Tej-Prasarini Communications
- India – Spread the Light: Don Bosco Trains Citizen Journalists
- India - Seminar-workshop for directors and accountants
- India - Media workshop for Mumbai BIS reporters
- India – Tata Hitachi Partners with St Joseph’s ITI Kurla
- India - Educate with the heart