Ireland - 2 Salesian Deacons Ordained
Maynoot, Ireland - On Sunday, May 28, in St. Patrick's Church, Mgr. Michael Neary, Archbishop of Tuam, ordained 2 Salesian deacons: Vietnamese missionaries Dominic Binh Nguyen and Paul Binh Tran, along with the three Irish diocesan Kevin Connolly, Anthony McAleese and Gerard Quirke. The Eucharist was also concelebrated by Don Guillermo Basañes, General Counsel for Missions, and IRL Inspector, Don Michael Casey.
- Ireland – Salesian Provincial Prayer Day for Vocations
- India - Diaconal ordination of six Salesians
- Ireland - Seminar on spiritual accompaniment of young people inspired by Don Bosco
- Malta - Conclusion of Rector Major's Visit
- Ireland - Launch of the project "Young Europeans at risk: new Salesian responses"
- Ireland – Fr Tadeusz Rozmus concludes Extraordinary Visitation
- Ireland - Extraordinary Visitation by Fr Tadeusz Rozmus
- Malta - Meeting of the Salesian Family with Don Bosco
- Malta - Extraordinary Visitation by Fr Tadeusz Rozmus