Spain - A weekend with Don Bosco
Madrid, Spain - March 2017 - On 11 and 12 March a group of teenagers and young people of the Salesian Province of St James the Greater (SSM) attended a vocational retreat entitled "A weekend with Don Bosco". It was a good experience in the journey of growth in faith and vocational discernment.
- Spain - Meeting of Professors of Basic Professional Training
- Spain - Meeting of Youth Centres of St James the Greater Province
- Spain - Women's Day Activities
- Spain - "You Salesians have been innovators since your foundation"
- Spain – Good Causes unite the Communicators of Salesian Spain
- Spain - From child soldiers to young ambassadors of peace, thanks to the Salesians
- Spain - Don Bosco with the prisoners in Jaén
- Spain - Meeting of the Committee for the Unification of "Solidarid Don Bosco", "VOLS" and "Jóvenes y Desarrollo"
- Spain – “My wish is that EDEBÉ continue to touch the hearts of children and youth”: on the celebration of the XXV Edition of EDEBÉ Award