Colombia - Meeting of Local Coordinators of Communication and Historical Memory
Medellin, Colombia - March 2017 - From 28 February to 4 March, twenty-four local coordinators of Communication and Historical Memory of the Medellín Province (COM) met to plan the work to be carried out in 2017. The meeting was led by the Delegate for Communication and Historical Memory, Brother Andrés Felipe Loaiza, SDB, and the Social Communications Delegate of the Province, Johana Velez.
- Colombia – Fourth Continental Meeting on the Salesian School in America
- Colombia - Fr Fabio Attard visits the post-novitiate in Copacabana
- RMG - "Alto al fuego": Catalina and Manuel, symbols of a meaningless war for which there were no reasons
- Italy – “Alto el Fuego”: the Tragedy and Hope of Child Soldiers
- “Alto el fuego”, the tragedy and hope of Child Soldiers
- Colombia – First Religious Professions
- Colombia - Interprovincial Meeting of priests of the quinquennium
- Colombia - The farewell of a brother before he died: "take care of yourself, Chino. Goodbye".
- Colombia - Child soldiers: the hidden scourge that afflicts Colombia
- Colombia - Hope for vulnerable young people: the Pacto Motor project