Mexico - Corridor of Mercy: if you want the ashes, blow the horn.
Guadalajara, Mexico – 1 March 2017 - Ash Wednesday was celebrated in the popular street Paseo Chapultepec of the city of Guadalajara. In an initiative called "Corridor of Mercy", a group of young people, families and priests offered people who were passing by on the street the opportunity to receive the ashes, and confession.
- Mexico – 3 Salesians ordained priests
- Mexico - Young people offer their services to the poor of "Father Chava"
- Mexico - first Salesian race "Don Boscorriendo"
- RMG - Everything ready for the visit of the Rector Major to Mexico
- Mexico – Expotec in the Don Bosco Technological Institute in Saltillo
- Mexico - Living on the border: the imperative to be disobedient religiously and politically
- Mexico - Retreat for the Salesians of Mexico
- Mexico - Blessing of the foundation stone of "Casa Artemide Zatti"
- Mexico - Fr Ploch begins the Extraordinary Visitation of the Province of Guadalajara
- “Brethren Refugees: Forgive the Obstinacy and Indifference of our Societies”
- Mexico - Emergency shelters for immigrants from Haiti are overflowing