Brazil - On mission in Campos Novos
Santa Rosa, Brazil – 6 January 2017 - Everton de Oliveira, Maria Teresinha Zazycki and Cristina Lunardi, a teacher at the "Dom Bosco" college in Santa Rosa, took part in a 15-day mission in the city of Campos Novos , with the aim of bringing comfort to those in need.
- Brazil – Salesians in the Amazon
- Brazil - Social Communication Meeting of Porto Alegre Province
- Brazil – Fr Sławomir Drapiewski: "I have experienced the Church of the Poor, the Church that longs for the sacraments"
- Brazil - First Professions
- Brazil - Priestly Ordination of Giovane de Souza
- Brazil – Priestly Ordination of Salesian Confrère Jeferson Junio Moreira
- Brazil – Priestly Ordination of Salesian Confrère Josimar Schlikmann
- Brazil – Professor Fontolan: a blog with over 11 million accesses
- Brazil - Curatorium of the Novitiate in Curitiba