Ecuador - The First Meeting of the "Salesian Foundations" outlines the challenges to consolidate networking and fundraising
Quito, Ecuador – January 2025 - A Meeting of the "Salesian Foundations" was held on 9 January at the headquarters of the Province of Ecuador (ECU), convened by Fr Marcelo Farfán, ECU Provincial, and animated by the Provincial Planning and Development Office (OPDI in Spanish). Since 2013, the "Salesian Foundations" have come together and defined their spirit and goals on the charismatic option of Don Bosco, the priority works. In 2025, on the basis of the Overall Province Plan (OPP), the objective is to consolidate this network, defining the starting points that strengthen a journey in synodality and that show a solid and clear image for more organisations to commit themselves to the Salesian educative and pastoral proposal. To consolidate this initiative, the role of the OPDI is fundamental to foster collaboration and articulation between foundations, looking for opportunities to maximise the impact of projects. This complementarity guarantees the spirit of management in the implementation of projects on site and the transparency of resources through responsibility. According to Fr Farfán, it is important to consider an institutional update of the foundations and strengthen the relationship with the Salesian Society of Ecuador to mobilise resources, in the midst of a complex context in which international cooperation has decreased. At the end of the meeting attended by Fr Luis Mosquera, Provincial Economer and director of the OPDI and the various Salesian foundations in the country,some challenges were identified such as: continuing to share experiences; seeing new possibilities for resource management; creating awareness material; strengthening capacities and establishing urgent priorities to balance forces.
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