Italy – "Stage Animators" in the Salesian Province of Southern Italy: "Those who live in hope, die in love"
Italy – January 2025 - From 3 to 5 January, about thirty young leaders from Calabria, Campania, Basilicata and Santeramo in Colle gathered in Grumento Nova, and about sixty from Puglia gathered in Santeramo in Colle, all united to work at the "Stage Animators". The common thread was social communication, but not the cold kind of social networks, but of messages that reach the heart, of glances that create bonds and of words that can change the world. As Don Bosco taught, true communication is born from listening and love for others, and the youngsters experienced all this firsthand. The mornings were dedicated to formation on Don Bosco and Mother Mary Mazzarello, recognised as great communicators and among the first to adopt innovative communication strategies. This approach laid the foundations for the practical workshops held in the afternoons that were the beating heart of the Stage: from creative writing, where the youngxsters worked together to create a song that will be released on 31 January – a hymn to dreams and hope – to the creation of creative and engaging video reels that tell stories. There were also writing workshops dedicated to the creation of articles; podcasts, focusing on spiritual themes intertwined with music, culture and attention to the local area; and theatre. The words "Those who live in hope, die in love" accompanied many moments of reflection, testifying that hope is not only a passive expectation, but the courageous choice of those who believe in the future.
- Italy – Luca's story: "At ‘Don Bosco’ they gave me back my life"
- Italy – Educating Young People to Love. On the way to a full life
- Italy - Screening of the DBGYFF 2024 at the Sacred Heart Institute in Ruvo di Puglia
- Albania – The first assembly of the AKM Delegation
- RMG – The experience of Elisée Tuungane Nzibi, from the Central Africa Province (AFC) to the Province of Southern Italy (IME): missionary of the 154th Salesian Missionary Expedition
- Italy - A new beginning full of Hope: the Youth Ministry Conference in the Salesian Province of Southern Italy
- Italy – 9th Torchlight procession of Peace in memory of Fr Francesco Convertini
- Italy – Youth Ministry Conference, Southern Italy Province