Italy - Newly appointed Provincials visit the Salesian Historical Institute
Rome, Italy - December 2024 - On the afternoon of 16 December at the headquarters of the Pontifical Salesian University (UPS), members of the Salesian Historical Institute (ISS) met with fifteen recently appointed Provincials who are following the course dedicated to them at Salesian Headquarters in Rome. After the introductory greeting, Fr Thomas Anchukandam illustrated the history of the ISS and its aims, which are scientifically concretised in the research and study, dissemination and appreciation of the rich documentary heritage linked to the figure of Don Bosco and his spiritual sons. Fr Francesco Motto described the various initiatives proposed by ISS to the Salesian Society in view of the year 2025. Fr Stanisław Zimniak outlined the origin and development of the Association of Salesian History Enthusiasts (ACSSA), which originally consisted of around twenty members, and which currently numbers 205 SDBs (105) FMA (82), lay people (28) and numerous members of other groups of the Salesian Family. Fr Zimniak then described the contents of the ISS website (, which has recently been revamped and updated, and whose pages also present the activities of ACSSA. Fr Hendry Dominic introduced those present to the library heritage kept by the ISS library, its many forms of service and the updating related to the ISS's purposes. At the end, the Provincials unanimously expressed their appreciation for what the ISS does, emphasising the value of what is preserved especially in the Library, a ‘treasure’ of inestimable value.
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- Italy – Research and ongoing projects of "Salesian AI"
- Italy – Presentation of the volume "Giovanni Bosco, Predicazione"
- Italy - Fr Giovanni Cossu appointed Honorary Member of ACSSA
- Italy - The UPS Institute of Spiritual Theology visits the FMA House of Prayer at San Biagio
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- Italy – The French, Portuguese and Spanish language course for Provincial Secretaries has begun at the UPS
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