RMG - The Advisory Team for Salesian Missionary Museums meets for the evaluation of the first year of work and the programming for 2025
RMG – December 2024 - On 12 December, the Advisory Team for the Salesian Missionary Museums met online to evaluate the first year of work and plan the activity for 2025, in preparation for the 150th anniversary of the first Salesian missionary expedition. During the meeting, the results obtained during the year were analysed, with a reflection on the current state of the team, the first challenges faced and the objectives achieved. The importance of strengthening collaboration between the different Salesian museums emerged, creating opportunities for mutual growth and a common vision. The 150th anniversary of the first expedition represents an opportunity to strengthen the ties between Salesian museums around the world, through the sharing of resources, common projects and training events that involve museum staff in a shared path of appreciation of the Salesian heritage. The Advisory Team concluded the meeting with the commitment to work closely together, continue to develop the museum network. In particular, it was decided to plan formation events and initiatives that could involve an international community, appreciating the stories, experiences and heritage preserved in each venue.
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